Welcome to our website
Originally established as a specialist fan supplier to the German merchant shipbuilding industry, Witt & Sohn have grown more than 75 years to become one of the world's leading names in industrial fan technology and associated noise and vibration control.
Witt & Sohn's well proven expertise in axial and centrifugal fan manufacture has today made them a market leader in many specialised, high performance sectors.


Witt India Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 8-2-293/82/L/352/A, Sri Venkateshwara Colony,
MLA Colony, Road No.12, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad, 500 034 Telangana, India
Tel: +91 40 44 881 800
E-Mail: info@wittindia.com
Web: www.wittindia.com

Witt Contracting GmbH
Ziegeleiweg 38
25421 Pinneberg
Tel: +49 4101 7007-0
E-Mail: service@wittfan.de
Web: www.wittfan.de

Fan Systems Group Ltd.
Witt House, 3 Shelf Mills
Shelf, Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, HX3 7BJ
Tel: +44 1274 694999
E-Mail: sales@fansystems.co.uk
Web: www.fansystems.co.uk

FläktComp Sweden AB
Ljungadalsgatan 12
352 46 VÄXJÖ, Sweden
Tel: +46 470 48550
E-Mail: info@flaktcomp.se
Web: www.flaktcomp.se

Landstrasse 71
4303 Kaiseraugst, Schweiz
Tel: +41 61 4874411
E-Mail: info@meidinger.ch
Web: www.meidinger.ch
Witt & Sohn AG
Business Manager: Lee Brown
Sydney, Australia
Tel: +61 426 676 329
E-Mail: brown@wittfan.de
Web: www.wittfan.de
Somax Ambiental & Acustica Ltda.
Rua do Alpiste, 1025 - Mercado são Sebastião - CEP:
Penha, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Tel: +55 21 25846549
E-Mail: eduardo@somaxbrasil.com.br
Web: www.somaxbrasil.com.br
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
BS Telecom Solutions Ltd.
Edin Gazic
Branilaca Sarajeva 20
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: +387 33 636-786
E-Mail: edin.gazic@bstelecom.ba
Web: www.bstelecom.ba
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Andesud Ltda.
Roberto Jordan
Los militares 5001 oficina 502
Las Condes Santiago, Chile
Tel: +569 9594 2181
E-Mail: rjordan@andesud.cl
Web: www.andesud.cl
Scope: Tunnel/Metro (Axial)
SKF Marine Shanghai Ltd
Room 907, Tower B, Central Tower, No. 567
Lan Gao Road, Putuo District, Shanghai 200333, China
Tel: +86 21 60370753
E-Mail: sun.biao@skf-marine.com
Web: www.bvi-marine.com
Scope: Schiffbau
Jean-Francois Bouziat
Tel: +33 695240187
E-Mail: bouziat@wittfan.de
15, allée des Ormes
77360 Vaires sur Marne, France
Tel: +33 1 60208844
E-Mail: pierre.demarle@cogestion.fr
Scope: Schiffbau
S. Venizelou & Chalkidos 1
Tel: +30 210 2529942
E-Mail: mvoriadakis@boreal.gr
ANWAY Engineering Co. Ltd.
Louis Chi
Unit 05, 13/F., Nanyang Plaza, 57 Hung To Road
Tel: +8 52 25984228
E-Mail: louis@anway.com.hk
Web: www.anway.com.hk
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Dahi Bondad Company
Amir Yamahmadi
Number 57, Shahid Rezaei, Second Golbarg
West Sepehr Street, Tehran, Iran
Tel: + 98 21 88088682
E-Mail: amir@dbcompany.net
Web: www.dbcompany.net
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Ardan Projects (1985) LTD.
4 Hagavish St.
Poleg Industry Zone, Netania 4250704, Israel
Tel: +972 9 8931103
E-Mail: baruch@ardanpro.co.il
Web: www.ardanpro.co.il
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Bronswerk Marine Inc.
4050 Place de Java
Brossard, Quebec, J4Y 0C4, Canada
Tel: +1 450 659-6571
E-Mail: info@bronswerkgroup.com
Web: www.bronswerkgroup.com
Scope: Schiffbau
Bemel Norge A/S, c/o Energima Utvikling AS
Andreas Lauritzen
Postboks 665 Skoyen
0214 OSLO, Norway
Tel: +47 92 860291
E-Mail: andreas@bemel.no
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Genmech Engineering (S) Pte Ltd.
Yang Hwee Tan
21, Toh Guan Road East, #07-14/15/16
Toh Guan Roead East Centre, 608609 Singapore
Tel: +65 6763 0200
E-Mail: genengrg@singnet.com
Web: www.genmech-singapore.com
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Tecliven, S.L.
C/Puerto Piqueras, 7-9
28919 LEGANÉS-Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 3414382
E-Mail: tecnico@tecliven.es
Web: www.tecliven.es
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
Metro Air Products
New York Office:
20 W 36th St, Suite 700
10018 New York, USA
New Jersey Office:
111 Omni Drive, Hillsborough
08844 New Jersey, USA
Tel: +1 212 2688499
E-Mail: kcorio@metroairproducts.com
Web: www.metroairproducts.com
Scope: Tunnel/Metro
The Witt Group
Steady Growth
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